Canta Clinic Physiotherapy

At Canta Clinic all our chartered physiotherapists are manual therapists and provide exercise prescription as part of their rehabilitation program. 

Alongside the standard physiotherapy treatment approaches we provide some add on services for our clients to avail of. 

Orthotic Prescription

Our clinic prescribes PPL biomechanic orthotics. Depending on the amount of correction needed and the budget we would regularly presribe either fully customised orthotics and semi customised devices.  

We analyse each patient's biomechanics to see if they are playing a role in their presentation and would correct their biomechanics as required. 

Prices range from €80-€300. 

For more info please ring our clinic to speak to a Chartered Physiotherapist.

Acupuncture and Deep Dry Needling

Acupuncture is one of the many skills employed within physiotherapy as part of an integrated approach to the management of pain and inflammation. Physiotherapists base their treatments on scientific research and clinical evidence that Acupuncture can reduce pain by stimulating the brain and spinal cord to produce natural pain-relieving chemicals .

 These chemicals assist the body's healing processes and offer pain relief as a precursor to other treatments such as manual therapy or exercise in order to aid recovery. 

Exercise Prescription

As chartered physiotherapists, our team are best educated in dealing with sporting injuries as they happen, preventing further injury and initiating the healing process as soon as possible, for a quick efficient return to play. We can effectively manage the injured patient, progressing rehabilitation exercises to facilitate the healing process without compromising the injured area. 

Women's Health

Post- Natal Mummy check

This is a one hour post-natal assessment which includes an internal pelvic floor examination. Examination of the abdomen and Diastasis Recti. A lower back and general posture assessment. A bespoke programme to help you recover based on assessment findings. Who is it for? Any woman who has been pregnant or given birth who wants to get back to exercise or feels they have pelvic floor or back issues arising from pregnancy or giving birth either vaginally or via C-section.

Bowel and bladder dysfunction or prolapse

This is a one hour assessment including an internal examination of the pelvic floor. The assessment concentrates on bowel and bladder habits as well pelvic floor function. You will receive a bespoke pelvic floor programme to increase the pelvic floor function if required. You will also be able to fill out bowel and bladder diaries that will allow us to look at habits and possible triggers for incontinence or constipation. Alternative options to assist in prolapse symptoms will be discussed should there be any remaining issues post course of Physiotherapy advice and Treatment.

Post Mastectomy checks

This appointment includes assessment of the scar and addressing any tightness’s around the surgical site. Persons may have difficulty moving their arm or with cording. Persons may also be experiencing upper and mid back pain. Advice on getting back to physical activity.

Other Services Include: